UntitledSweat. Just the thought of it bothers some people. At my health club, the place is littered with towels – made available just to capture your sweat. Most of us want to challenge ourselves when we work out, so we try to consistently wipe away our own sweat so we won’t offend others who are nearby.

Personally, I’ve never really had an issue with sweat. As a matter of fact, I kind of like it. Sweat encourages me. Sweat motivates me. Sweat provides a report card on just how intense my workout is, and how much effort I’m putting into it. When I walk by others who are working out, I can usually tell their level of effort by the amount of sweat I see. When you walk by someone who is moving slowly on their bike or elliptical, often reading a magazine or talking on a phone, you won’t see a lot of sweat.

Even though I may sweat when I work out, my favorite time to sweat is when I’m giving a presentation. The mere act of sweating inspires me, and when I see it from another speaker, it impresses me. It says, “Look out folks; I am dialed in and I’m giving you every bit of energy I have in the tank! I am right hereright now! This very moment is all that matters to me!”

Believe it or not, it takes a lot of effort for a presenter to actually sweat. That sweat isn’t coming from anxiety, or from running, or from lifting heavy objects. Usually, the temperature in the room is on the cooler side to make the audience comfortable, so you can’t say the presenter is sweating due to the heat.

So what’s making the presenter sweat? Pure, unadulterated effort and intensity! You won’t ever see that level of intensity from those who tuck themselves comfortably behind a lectern. You’ll see it from those who are fighting for far more than that. When every word is punched, every sentence has meaning, every gesture has a purpose, and every step is a lunge, you’ll see sweat!

So when you give your next presentation, I want you to sweat. It’s going to take a level of intensity you might not be accustomed to, but if you want it badly enough, I’m sure you can do it. And when you feel that sweat dripping down your face, and off your ears, nose, and chin do me a small favor; don’t touch it. Don’t wipe it away. Let your audience get a good look at it. Enjoy it and celebrate the effort you are putting forth. Let them see you sweat!

If you are interested in reading more on how to improve your speaking skills I’d be thrilled if you picked up the newest edition of How to Run Seminars & Workshops. The 4th edition of this book recently launched and is on sales now. Once you get a chance to read it, let me know what you think, and if you’re really feeling generous, write an Amazon review! Readers take those reviews seriously and so do I!